AI Mastery Toolkit
16 February

Toolkit for Marketers

We have all witnessed the transformative power of AI. We’ve also seen the hurdles it presents to marketers and small business owners chomping at the bit to harness its potential. This realisation sparked a mission: to bridge the gap between the complex world of AI and the innovative spirit of marketers. So, with this vision in mind, we've crafted a collection of prompts, and as you flick through these pages, you'll find yourself adapting and changing them to get the response you need. And remember, the response is just a place to start ...

Prompt #1

"Please write a blog post about [specific topic] and use stats and data throughout the article while citing your sources. Begin the introduction in a storytelling format, providing a relatable anecdote or scenario. Ensure you cover uncommon information or insights on this topic not typically discussed in mainstream blogs. For example, explore emerging trends, lesser-known facts, or unique case studies to bring a fresh perspective to the readers."

Best used for enriching your SEO strategy while differentiating your content from competitors

Pro Tips:

💡 Cross-check all stats and sources for accuracy. If the stats are older than 2-3 years, find more recent studies.

💡 Provide guidance or examples of what the desired storytelling approach is. It'll align the AI's output more closely with your expectations.

💡 After you receive the first AI draft, follow up with specific areas of the topic that the AI should focus on to ensure it brings out unique insights.

Prompt #2

"Please share interesting statistics about [specific topic] that very few people are talking about. Provide data that sheds light on lesser-known aspects of the topic. Please cite reputable sources to ensure accuracy in the information presented."

Best used for social content, blog posts, and podcast episodes

Pro Tips:

💡 Provide a clear and concise topic to help AI generate unique and insightful statistics.

💡 Add context or examples of the type of uncommon information to help AI understand the specific angle or depth of information desired.

💡 Be explicit about the format or presentation style you prefer for the statistics—infographics, comparisons, trends, etc.

Prompt #3

"What topics does [competitor's website] discuss the most frequently, especially within the last [specific timeframe]? Please provide insights into the recurring themes or subjects that dominate their content."

Best used for content gap analysis, keyword optimisation, SEO opportunities, and positioning

Pro Tips:

💡 Follow up with questions about your competitors' specific angles or perspectives on each topic.

💡 Ask AI to evaluate how the competitor's content strategy has evolved. Look for shifts in focus, changes in tone, or modifications in the types of content produced.

💡 Use this analysis to identify potential content gaps in your competitor's strategy to capitalise on opportunities they may have missed.

Prompt #4

"What are the most popular social media posts about [specific topic] based on likes and shares, especially on [specify social media platform]? Please focus on posts from the last [specific timeframe], providing insights into the trending content that has gained significant engagement."

Best used for campaign inspiration, content strategy planning, and tracking recent trends

Pro Tips:

💡 Ask AI to benchmark performance metrics and compare KPIs with yours to identify areas where you need to improve and areas where you excel.

💡 Follow up with a request to identify the elements contributing to high engagement. The data can guide your content creation for the upcoming campaign.

💡 Ask AI to dig into the comments and find out what words and expressions your audience uses. Then, sprinkle those terms into your copy to make it sound more relatable.

Prompt #5

"What are the most popular blog posts on [competitor URL] in the last [specific timeframe]? I'm particularly interested in understanding recent content trends and gaining insights for our content strategy."

Best used for SEO strategy, content gap analysis, and inspiration

Pro Tips:

💡 Use AI's analytic capabilities to learn more about content structure, format, and elements contributing to its success.

💡 Be very specific on the purpose of your request to guide the tool's analysis.

💡 Follow up with questions on content promotion strategies and marketing channels to understand what other factors might have influenced the blog posts' popularity.

Prompt #6

"Could you please provide up-to-date and intriguing statistics related to [specific topic]? Focus on the most recent data available and ensure to cite the sources for accuracy. I'm particularly interested in gaining insights that are not widely known or discussed."

Best used for inspiration for social content, blog posts, and podcast episodes

Pro Tips:

💡 Verify sources and numbers. Confront with other studies and industry research to ensure the data is accurate.

💡 Ask your AI assistant to compare the stats to data from previous periods and identify notable changes or trends.

💡 Ask for suggestions for specific messaging or storytelling approaches that align with the nature of the statistics.

Prompt #7

"What are the current trending topics within the [topic] industry or niche? Please provide insights into the latest discussions, emerging themes, and noteworthy developments related to [topic]."

Best used for thought leadership content, social media, email marketing campaigns, and positioning

Pro Tips:

💡 Leverage the knowledge of internal team members or industry experts who can provide context and insights specific to your industry.

💡 Use AI to conduct sentiment analysis or market research to estimate how your audience may react to your engagement with trending subjects.

💡 Combine AI insights with manual research to understand how your competitors navigate and respond to trending topics.

Prompt #8

"Can you analyse recent news articles related to [topic] and summarise the dominant discussions, highlight key themes, and report on meaningful developments from reputable sources?"

Best used for inspiration for PR campaigns, market research, strategic planning, or informed decision-making

Pro Tips:

💡 Read the full articles or reports for a deeper understanding and accurate interpretation of the news.

💡 Regularly update your analysis and supplement it with ongoing monitoring of news sources.

💡 Watch out for factual reporting vs. opinion pieces. Cross-verify information with multiple sources to ensure accuracy and objectivity.

Prompt #9

"Can you list the most popular podcasts that cover [topic] extensively? Include details such as audience ratings, recent episodes, and any notable guests to offer a comprehensive overview."

Best used for influencer outreach, content curation, advertising, personal branding and development, or networking opportunities

Pro Tips:

💡 Cross-reference ratings from different platforms and read reviews to get a more nuanced understanding of audience perceptions.

💡 Listen to sample episodes or read episode descriptions to assess whether the content aligns with your criteria for quality and relevance.

💡 Specify your language preference in the prompt to ensure the recommendations align with your language preferences and target audience.

As we wrap up this eBook on AI Mastery, it's clear that navigating artificial intelligence requires both curiosity and strategic thinking.

Each prompt is designed to encourage you to think critically, and refine your approach as you learn.

Whether you're writing a blog post, analysing social media trends, exploring competitor content strategies, or just trying to stay ahead of the latest industry developments, the key is to leverage AI with intention.

All that being said, if you’d prefer to have a human create your content, then get in touch!

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